Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 8…If I do one more plank……

As most of you know I don’t speed. I feel out of control going 65 mph in a 70mph zone. I make turns like I’m driving a diesel praying no one is in my way. I’m a granny undercover. But today I over slept a tad bit. I didn’t get my coffee time (which I should have known it wasn’t going to be a good day), so I was racing to the gym. I had an appointment with Sarah at 6am..oh sweet Sarah…NOT!!!!!!!!!! I was speeding. I was at least going 72 mph with both hands on the wheel racing to get in the gym on time. As I sat there and sped to work I thought how funny is this. What if I got pulled over and they asked me where I was heading in such a hurry and I would have to say the gym. By the looks of me, he wouldn’t believe me and I would have to laugh. Me?? I’m racing to the gym? I’m going over the speed limit to be on time for my morning beating?? Something is sick and twisted about that..but I had to laugh. There’s a first time for everything I guess! Lol

Boy..I had no idea what was coming. I was mutilated on the Prairie Life gym floor. I have no strength in my legs. NONE! Ask me to punch someone and I’ll punch em hard, ask me to kick someone and they are free to roam the earth. I don’t do squats, I don’t do lunges, I don’t lift my legs and do arm weights, I don’t jump AND squat, I don’t do jumping jacks in a push up position (whoever thought of this one needs to be shot) I don’t do wall sits and I SHO DO NOT DO PLANKS!!! This is a list I should have given when I walked in the gym. This is what I don’t do, now do whatever else you have in store. I wanted to give up today more than I ever have. Bob worked mainly my arms so good and I’m super sore from the other day but this whole leg workout thing has GOT TO QUIT. At one point I asked my trainer if she wanted to fry a pancake on my leg b/c they were so hot I’m sure I could have served the whole gym well done pancakes. I seriously could feel the heat coming from them. It was awful. Do you know what a plank is? It’s the devil. You get on your forearms and put your legs out like a push up position and hold. That sounds easy until some is saying “Put your butt down, hold your stomach in, oh and breathe.” I’m like your telling too many things at once Sarah.  My whole body was shaking..basically thru the whole thing. I couldn’t even pin point what was shaking b/c it was just basically everything. I was done when it was over. I was done 15 min thru but I was seriously done at 7am…Walking down the stairs to get to the shower was a task in itself!

I’m not one of those people who can work out and feel super excited and in a good mood for the rest of the day. If I’m worked out hard..i am a bit “moody”or “quiet” the rest of the day. It poops me out. I’m not at the point where I have the high of working out and it’s just super cool. I don’t really look forward to it. I like the results of course but I’m not crazy about it. I love that my scrubs are looser already. I love that I’m getting stronger but I don’t like what causes all that. I suppose I’ll have to work on that to make this a life style change. Lol… until it has became a habit and I’m just ecstatic to go get beat upon..I will go and give dirty looks and then hug them later when the scale says good things!!!

I’m tired I’m gonna go home and nap, then get up and work out and go back to bed. I’m super excited about that actually. Not the workout…the nap!

One last thought… Do you know ALL that shakes and jiggles when you do a jump squat? It’s not pretty folks!

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